Reflections on the General Election, Part 1

Reflections on the General Election, Part 1

Show notes

In Our Turn to Talk's 12th episode, Reflections on the General Election, is a special 2-part series on the general election. In the first episode, Adam and Amirali, two young people who work across the National Children’s Bureau’s advisory groups and activities, discuss the general election process, the outcome of the election, and how children and young people can impact elections!

Topics discussed:

  1. How does the general election work?
  2. Reflections on the outcome of the election
  3. A summary and reflection on the policies of the elected party
  4. A summary of the policies of other political parties
  5. How can children and young people can be better involved in the election process?

A transcript of this episode is available here:

The links to resources mentioned in this episode are available here:

  1. UK Parliament website
  2. Electoral Commission website
  3. Vote For Policies
  4. My Vote, My Voice

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