Exploring Grief

Exploring Grief

Our Turn to Talk is the National Children’s Bureau’s (NCB) youth-led podcast programme! All episodes are developed and directed by young people and focus on topics that are important to them.

Show notes

In Our Turn to Talk's 11th episode, Exploring Grief, Troy and Eden, two young people who work across the National Children’s Bureau’s advisory groups and activities, reflect on grief and what it has looked like for them.

Topics discussed:

  1. What grief can look like for children and young people
  2. The impact grief can have on children and young people
  3. What our peers and the adults around us can do to support a grieving child or young person
  4. What services and support are available for young people who are grieving This episode explores sensitive topics, we also have a number of episodes exploring a variety of themes. You can check these out [here.](Episodes | Our Turn to Talk (zencast.website))

A transcript of this episode is available here:

The links to resources mentioned in this episode are available here:

  1. Winston Wish

  2. Young Minds

  3. Child Bereavement UK

  4. The Mix

Follow us on Instagram @national_childrens_bureau

This podcast is hosted by ZenCast.fm

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